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Our Creatures

Rovdina is filled with unique types of wildlife. Most animals tend to be a mixture between mammal and reptilian animals when they are compared to ones found on Earth. One of the most common creatures found in the planet, and also the largest one, is the rhienog. This creature measures 5 meters in height and 8 in length. This creatures are mostly found in grasslands and despite their indimidating looks, they are actually herbivores, meaning they feed themselves on grass and ferns.  



Rovdina's national aniamal is the snauspherux eagle, or simply called the pherux. This majestic bird has a wingspan of 3 meters and a length of 1 meter. The pherux feeds on fish or small animals and this is done with the help of its great eyesight, which can see up to 5 kilometers, making it one of the best hunters in the animal kingdom in the planet. 

Another land giant that lives in both land and water is the crocosaurus. The crocosaurus is a carnivore that measures 3 meters in height and 7 in length. It feeds itself on medium sized animals and fish. Even though this creature is dangerous, it has suffered from lots of poaching. Recently, the Rovdinian government banned poaching throught the whole planet, ending up in the arrest and execution of thousands of poachers. 


Our Plants

Rovdina has a large variety of plants in its small number of biomes. Large trees like pines and oak-like trees are really common in Rovdina. One of the most common plants found in the planet are the Vilinus Straporea or most commonly known as the Leavian flower. It is a carnivorous plant that eats insects and small lizards, which are attracted to the plant's peculiar odor and colors. Another type of plant common in Rovdina is the Mashantiolla Arboearis or simply known as the Masha tree. It is the largests types of trees in the planet and one of the largest living organisms in the galaxy and also one of the oldest. These trees can grow up to 300 meters in height and can reach up to 20 to 30 meters in length. These are mostl commonly foudn in forrests

Leavian flower

Masha trees

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